الجمعة، 29 نوفمبر 2013

حديثى التخرج للجميع 29-11-2013

Biggest Internet Company is Hiring
Vacancy: Technical Support Engineer 
Location: Kafr El-Dawar City - Beheira
Medical Insurance (Including WifeHusband & Kids)
Social Insurance 
+ More
هندسة حاسب آلى أو إتصالات و تكنولوجيا معلومات
Very Good command of English & Computer skills
Excellent communication Skills & Customer Orientation 
Relevant Experience
عند التقديم ، يجب إضافة و توضيح كلمة دعم فنى كفر الدوار ، و إلا لن تؤخذ بالسيرة الذاتية
Make sure while submitting your CV, to clarify “Kafr El-Dawar Technical Support” otherwise the CV will be ignored

مطلوب لشركة كبري بالمهندسين باحثين بالشروط الآتية:
1 - يفضل خريجي كليات الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية أو الإعلام أو الآداب .
2 - يفضل حديثي التخرج .
3 - يشترط الذكور .

مدير مبيعات فندقية
الراتب/الأجر: 3000 القسم: خدمية
تاريخ النشر: 2013-11-28 تاريخ الاغلاق: 2013-12-28

1. عمل دراسة لطبيعة السوق و طبيعة المنافسين فى المجال ذاته للاسترشاد بها فى وضع خطة التسويق للفندق.
2. عمل خطة تسويقية للفندق على مدار العام و متابعة مراحل و عناصر التنفيذ بدقة.
3. العمل على فتح أسواق جديدة للتسويق و إستقطاب نوعيات مختلفة من العملاء.
4. اقامة علاقات قوية مع العديد من شركات السياحة و التسويق الفندقى المختلفة.
5. ابتكار أساليب تسويقية جديدة من خلال الاطلاع الدائم على طبيعة و احتياجات الأسواق المختلفة.
6. المساهمة فى تطوير المنتج المسوق له بالمشاركة مع فريق عمل الإدارة الفندقية.
7. الإبتكار و المساهمة فى الحملات التسويقية المختلفة و زيادة المعرفة بطبيعة و خدمات الفندق للعملاء بإختلاف مستوياتهم.
8. المساهمة فى وضع الميزانية السنوية لإدارة التسويق و المبيعات.
9. العمل على إختيار و تدريب العاملين بإدارة التسويق و المبيعات التابعين له.
10. تقديم تقارير أسبوعية و شهرية عن الأنشطة التسويقية و تقرير يومى عن حركة البيع لمدير عام الشركة .
11. عمل إجتماع أسبوعى لإدارة التسويق و المبيعات لتقييم حجم الأعمال المنفذة وفقا للخطط الموضوعة و مدى نجاحها و ما هو مطلوب مستقبلا لتفادى أى معوقات أو تغيرات قد تحدث فى الأسواق الحالية و المستهدفة.
12. تنسيق العمل مع مدير الفندق لسهولة تنفيذ الخطط التسويقية و التغذية الرجعية للعملاء.
13. استطلاع أراء العملاء عن المنتج الحالى و مقترحات التطوير للوقوف على متطلبات العملاء وصولا الى الهدف المرجو و هو إرضاء العملاء و النزلاء المترددين على الفندق بإنتظام.
14. الإتجاه الدائم الى تنويع مصادر التسويق و المبيعات للفندق من خلال التوجه الى مختلف الأنواع من الإتجاهات التسويقية مثل السفارات و الشركات و البنوك الإستثمارية و الأندية الرياضية 
و شركات الطيران و وكلاء سياحة المؤتمرات الى آخره من مختلف أوجه السياحة الداخلية 
و الخارجية و التى تخدم حركة التسويق و البيع للفندق.


الشركه تعمل في مجال الاتصالات ودعم خدمات شركات المحمول ووكيل
لكبري شركات الشبكات الاولي في مصر
نوع الوظيفه :
تجهيز طلبيات التجار المححدين بخط السير
تسويق وتنسيق وبيع الكميات المطلوبه من السلع المطلوبه للتجار
التواجد في مقر الشركه يوميا من 10 صباحا مده العمل 8 ساعات يوميا
المميزات :
المرتب 1000 جنيه صافي + بدل اتصال 75جنيه بالاضافة الي نظام العمولات الممميز جداً
تامينات اجتماعيه + تأمين طبي خاص مميز + عقد عمل سنوي + اجازات سنويه 21 يوم
عطله اسبوعيه يوم الجمعه
الشروط :
1 -مؤهل عالي
3- شهاده الجيش اصل
4 - شهاده المؤهل اصل
5- شهاده ميلاد اصل
6- فيش جنائي باسم الشركه الوطنيه للاتصالات
7-استماره 6 من جهه العمل السابقه
8- كعب العمل
9- 8 صور شخصيه
ترسل البيانات والسيرة الذاتية مع كتابة عبارة (مبيعات القاهرة) علي

مطلوب فنين ومساعد فنين خبرة ب تركيب كاميرات المراقبة للعمل بشركة ام- تك للانظمة الامنية بمدينة نصر
خبرة بالاتي:
- توصيل كاميرات المراقبة عبر الانترنت والموبيل شرط اساسي CCTV-DVR - IP cam
خبرة فى مجال مد كبلات الشبكة صوت وصورة 
خبرة فى مجال تركيب أجهزة البصمة والانذار 
خبرة فى مجال تركيب شبكات الكمبيوتر و يفضل الخبرة و قرب السكن من مدينة نصر
للعمل طبقا للشروط والأحكام التالية:
العمل سيكون في اماكن خارجية وليس في مقر الشركة-
فترة اختبار وتدريب قبل التثبيت في الوظيفة مدتها30 يوم-
توصيل كاميرات المراقبة عبر الانترنت والموبيل شرط اساسي-
الاولوية لقاطنى مدينة نصر وما حولها-
الأمانة والكفاءة وحسن المظهر شروط أساسية للقبول بالوظيفة-
يحصل الفني علي عقود عمل وتامينات بعد التثبيت-
يفضل السن من24 حتى 31سنة-
يفضل خبرة بالمجال-
الأمانة والكفاءة وحسن المظهر شروط أساسية للقبول بالوظيفة-
مواعيد العمل :
من الاحد الي الخميس من 9الي 6 مساء(السبت اجازة مالم يكن هناك اوردر تركيب)
يحدد الراتب علي عدد سنوات الخبرة وشخصية ومهارة الفني
1200 راتب اساسي + عمولة تركيبات+ عمولة مبيعات = اجمالي راتب يصل 2000 جنيه
مواعيد المقابلة: يوميا من
10 ص:12 م ومن 5م :7 م
العنوان:30 ش الاسماعلية .زهراء مدينة نصر.خلف مخازن السلاب

Required web developer with the following skills :
My Sql

مطلوب أمين مخزن قطع غيار السيارات والماكينات خبرة 3 سنوات لشركة منتجات خرسانية بالمعادى

مطلوب محاسبين فروع لشركة صناعات غذائية كبرى 
تفاصيل الوظيفة 
1- بكالوريوس تجارة 
2- خبرة 1- 2 سنة 
3- مكان العمل (فرع طنطا - فرع الاسماعيلية - فرع الشرقية - فرع المنصورة- فرع الاسكندرية)
الوصف الوظيفى 
متابعة ارصدة العملاء واثبات جميع المعاملات الخاصة بهم من فواتير ودفعات وتسويات بالسجلات.
المساعدة اعداد التقارير الدورية والشهرية الخاصة بالعملاء.
تسجيل جميع فواتير المبيعات يوميا على برنامج حسابات العملاء الساب .
إعداد تقرير شهري عن فواتير المبيعات .
القيام بادخال البيانات الخاصة بالعملاء على البرنامج الخاص بالعملاء على الحاسب الالى
المساعدة إعداد القيود المحاسبية الخاصة بالعملاء.

Forefront identity manager Consultant is needed to join a leading medical group in Saudi Arabia. Interested candidates are kindly requested to send their C.Vs to hr@ritsol.com
Required urgent jounior desiger to install word press and making installation and modifications on web site 

send : ysr_four@hotmail.com
Sales Specialist (Out door) 
Company : OGTeh (An Osman Ahmed Osman Co.)

Job Code: SS-OGT-04
Location : Dokki, Giza
Gender: Any
Education: Any
Experience: (0-2) years of experience

Main Duties and Responsibilities:-
1. Direct the overall sales operations in assigned area of responsibility
2. Achieve sales target with specified gross margin contribution.
3. Negotiating and closing sales by agreeing terms and conditions.
4. Identify resale opportunities, and support them to achieve sales plans.
5. Maintaining and developing long-term relationships with potential clients
6. Prepare presentations for clients & attend when needed

• Please send your updated resume including a recent photo to: ashehata@osman.net
• Please mention the job Code (SS-OGT-04) in the email Subject
Position :  Marketing Executive

Job Code: ME-WF-01

Job Type: Full Time

Gender: Any

Education:  B.sc degree of a relevant discipline (Business Administration “Major, Marketing” –highly preferred) + Marketing Diploma/Certificate (is a Must)

Experience: (1-3) years in the same position

Job description:

·   Participating with the external consultant in the Corporate re-branding project for El-Wafaa farm products (Baladna, Prime, …etc).

·   Participating in developing the marketing Branding Strategy and tools including the company (Logos, Websites, brochures, Business cards, Promotional material, Exhibition stands, Online advertising ,…. Etc).

·   Participating in developing marketing strategy practice includes "Product & Brand Positioning strategies, Pricing strategies, Promotional strategies, Distribution strategies, Social Media strategies and Competitive Strategies".

·   Participating in developing, implementing and following up (El-Wafaa) marketing plan.

·   Organizing and attending services marketing exhibitions.

·   Participating in generating and implementing customer acquisition and retention programs.

Language: Excellent command in both written and spoken English (is a must)

Computer Skills:

·   Professional user for Microsoft Office package

·   Professional user for Photoshop & designing S.W applications

Salary(L.E): Negotiable

Key Competencies:-

·   Excellent communications skills

·   Organizational skills

·   Able to work under pressure.

·   Creative thinking and innovation.

·   Able to learn new tasks quickly

·   Able to work individually or as an active team member

·   Presentable.

·   Ability to build excellent relations with others quickly.

Comments :

·   If you’re interested, please send your updated resume including a recent photo to: ashehata@osman.net

·   Please mention the job Code (ME-WF-01) in the email Subject

·   For more information about the company & the Group kindly visit our website:www.Osman.net
Global company Seeking a Web Designer
- Experience not less than 1 year for the junior 3 years for a senior
- A strong proficiency with Photoshop, Illustrator.
- Fluent in HTML/HTML5
- An extensive knowledge of CSS, DreamWeaver
- A competent understanding of semantic markup and CSS standards.
- Ability to slice and dice for cross-browser compatibility… yes, IE6.
- Have a knowledge of design frameworks (bootstrap is a must)
- Create designs and sample layouts for Web Sites and Portals
- A semi-working knowledge of JavaScript, PHP.
- Experience in Joomla, WordPress and Magento is a must.





cross-browser compatibility

Joomla, WordPress and Magento

knowledge of JavaScript/Jquery

Please send your CV include samples from your work

to: m.akl@egprosolutions.com
Please Note:
Not accepted any C.V not include samples

An international online trading firm is offering 24 hour access to a diverse range of trading products including foreign exchange, commodities, futures and indices. We are looking for Creative Director to join our busy marketing department, you need to have imagination and enthusiasm, an eye for trends and products but also be a clear thinker and good communicator.


The creative director should be able to build and develop our marketing department into a new level
Facilitates creation of brand-aligned, high quality deliverables—including email, banner ads, websites, promotions, brochures, flyers, media marketing and event planning which will support business strategy and marketing objectives with measurable and impactful results
To be creative in marketing events and look into every detail from beginning to end, while adding value from previous and professional experience 
Communicates effectively across all levels of the organization from individual contributors to executive staff and develops growth with external partners.
The ideal candidate will deliver value by inspiring and evolving creative vision
Works with local teams and individuals to ensure the appropriate regional customization of the identity.
Monitors identity implementation and addresses areas of need/opportunity
Edits materials according to specific market or customer requirements
To assist the business to meet our objectives, values and culture
Detail orientated with the ability to manage and deliver projects
Develop and deliver insightful presentations and strategies to the business were appropriate
Strong results-orientation in high-growth, fast-paced environments

Required skills

Minimum 5 years experience in multinational companies of a managerial level
Knowledge of visual design fundamentals including brand identity, layout, color and photography
If you are interested, please send your resume to amina.nasser@premieregypt.com with the subject “Creative Director”
Purpose of the role: Strengthen the company's position in organic search across the Middle East/Arabic region.

Key objectives & responsibilities:

• Develop an online content strategy in line with the company overall Search Engine Optimization strategy and drive it for multiple Middle East/African countries.

• Responsible for content production, placement and quality. This includes writing content as well as sourcing external writers for content production.

• Manage external content writers, edit & proof read all content produced to ensure quality and brand tone is maintained.

• Research keywords/phrases with a view to understanding what type of content will resonate with visitors to the site and how this differs per market.

• Source appropriate images for the content.

• Put together and maintain weekly dashboard on important key metrics and in addition create monthly reports on progress of the project.

Requirements and skills:

• Have a strong understanding of the peculiarities of each Arabic country

• Excellent Arabic grammar comprehension (written and spoken) • Ability to communicate effectively in English

• Strong web writing skills

• Fast typing skills

• Strong research skills - ability to find information online

• Highly target and deadline driven

• HTML, CSS skills

• Understanding of Search Optimization

• Multi-tasking individual with strong communication skills who can work independently with little guidance

• Must have knowledge on web based tools such as keyword research tools, analytics, content management systems etc.

Personal Attributes:

• A proactive self-starter and a “doer” that will deliver upon the companies objectives

• Motivated and positive / “can do” attitude; problem solver

• Ability to adapt and understand new ways of working

• Accountable, transparency and integrity

• Constant personal improvement: to be the best you can be

If you are intrested please send your resume to amina.nasser@premieregypt.com with "Content Manager" in the subject
PRE – WIMAX Site Engineer  Position required for a company specialized in Communication solutions & Low current system:

Job Title: Telecommunication  Site Engineer

Gender: Male

Pre- Exp: from 2 to 3 yrs in same field

Languages: V. good English

Location: Nasr City

Qualification: flexible & excellent communication skills

PRE-WIMAX Site Engineer Job description:

1-      Ability to use Google earth to handle coordinates and locations with azimuth and length

2-      Do LOS (line of sight )survey

3-      Do survey for cable path (Eth and earth cable)

4-      Ability to write professional report for LOS and path length

5-      Actively inventory and checking quantities and ensuring the accuracy of material calculations for each site

6-      will plan the work to be done and organize requirements  so that deadlines are met

7-     Follow up with subcontractor to ensure that work is being carried out as per design drawings, specifications & meeting planned dates in schedule

8-     Has his own car

9- salary from 3000 to 4000 upon experience

Benefits: Fixed salary + Mobile Package

If you interest kindly send your up-dated resume with RECENT PHOTO to hr@elan-eg.com  & please mention (PRE-WIMAX  Site Engineer) in mail subject, otherwise the CV will be automatically VOID
 For Immediate hiring for a Big Company specialized in manufacturing Porcelain and Ceramic in KSA:-

Job Title:  Graphic Designer in the show room.

 Department:  Marketing.

Gender:  Male

Background & Qualification:

1-      In-design and Photoshop is a must.

2-      Very good Face to face communication.

3-      Very good English (Speaking and writing).

4-      Presentable & hard worker.


1-      He will be a client consultant in the show room, discussing the design.

2-      Explaining all customer inquiries.

Salary 2500 SAR

* If you are interested kindly send your updated CV to rec@hpa.com.eg mentioning the position in the subject. Otherwise it would be disregarded.
Be a part of Silicon Egypt Technologies An Arrow Company and give wings to your ideas.
If you want to share the passion of making this planet smarter, to make an impact, to innovate for the better, then come join us.

Web Admin Jobs

Main Roles and Responsibilities:
Installing, administration, tuning and optimization of our production sites and related components to achieve high performance and stability,
Responsible of overall health, availability, speed recovery and performance of all deployed application servers. You will work very closely with the SW development and database team.
Core Responsibilities include:
• Deployment and tuning of application servers configurations and applications for optimum performance.
• Monitoring
• Linux Administration.
• Good experience in Linux scripting.
• Maintain production environments.
• On call support
• Installing/Patching Oracle software to agreed standards.
• Diagnose and resolve problems related to application server service availability.
• Assisting and supporting development teams and solving problem
Requirements & Qualifications
• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent. (Preferred ITI Graduate)
• Minimum 3 years of relevant experience.
• Strong experience in Linux, Apache and tomcat plus Oracle application server.
• Extensive experience in planning, installing, patching, configuring, and administering oracle application server in a Windows2003, 2008 and Linux.
• Good technical skills in Windows.
• Good communication and interpersonal skills.
• Fluent command of English language is a must.
For Cairo Resident Only

An International company immediately hiring qualified Telesales agent only if they
( smart ,patient , very hard worker , uni grad , English very good , experience : 1,2 years in the field )

Benefits:Basic salary:1000+High commission,Contracts with medical insurance.,Business line
Shifts :
Day shift: 3:00 pm till 11:00pm
Night shift: 11:00pm till 07:00 am

If you are the one send your CV to
Omniatinternational@gmail.com ,write in subject FTS Any mail without this subject will be ignor
1-Prepare deliver Customized Solution presentations of Medical Insurance Solution.

2- Provide clear, concise follow-up information addressing any outstanding issues unveiled as a result of the solution presentation.

3- Clearly articulate prospect's business issues, needs and proposed solutions.

4- Develop solutions that extend the Medical Module of our Medical Insurance application.

5- Conduct the Training on the Medical application and consult the customers with that require advanced Medical/Insurance knowledge. 


- Very Good English is Required

-Knowledge of Medical insurance is a plus.

-Knowledge ICB, CPT,.......etc General Terminology 

- Working Hours : 9

- Salary: Negotiable

- Very attractive Commission

Educations: Faculty of pharmacy

Company Information: 
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 
Job Purpose:

Office manager organizes, coordinates, and supervises the administrative activities, office operation, and procedures that facilitate the smooth running of an office and to ensure organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Critical Duties:

Maintain office services.
Supervise office staff.
Maintain office records.
Maintain office efficiencies.
Routine Duties:

 Design and implement office policies.
Organize office operations and procedures.
Supervise office staff.
Take and record phone calls.
Organize and share meeting with staff, typing the agenda and taking minutes.
Organize the office layout and maintain supplies of stationary and equipment.
Maintain the condition of the office and arrange the necessary repairs.
Maintain office equipment.
Review and approve supply requisitions.
Record office expenditure and managing the budget.
Update organizational contacts.
Carry out and monitor clerical and secretarial functions.
Attend trainings.
Design filing systems.
Ensure filing systems are maintained and up to date.
Define procedures for record retention.
Ensure protection and security of files and records.
Check stock to determine inventory levels.
Verify receipt of supply.
Respond to client’s inquiries and complains.
Handles all administrative duties as required.
Handle staff’s permission requests and mission requests and report weekly to HR manager.
Organize and handle meetings, appointments and phone calls for the CEO.
Any further required work related duties as requested from his or her supervisor.

Bachelor Degree in Business administration/ or equivalent.
From 1 to 3 years of experience in a similar position.

Arabic: Fluent
English: very good
Communication skills
Microsoft office
Physical Effort& Environment:

Prolonged seated position
Frequently using office equipment such as computers, scanners, printers, and faxes

شركة مستلزمات طبية بالمنوفية تطلب: موظفين موارد بشرية HR وتسويق Marketing حديثى التخرج خريجى كليات تجارة عربى وانجليزى وادارة اعمال السن لا يزيد عن 24 سنة اجادة اللغة الانجليزية والعمل على تطبيقات الحاسب الالى توفير تأمين طبى + تأمين اجتماعى اخر ميعاد لتقديم السيرة الذاتية يوم 28/11/2013 يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع ذكر المسمى الوظيفى على: Aboubakrka@brjegypt.com ملحوظة لن يلتفت الى اى طلبات ترسل بدون عنوان للاستفسار يرجى الاتصال على أ/ كريم صبرى : 01028001290

Telecommunication Site Engineer:

Site Engineer  Position required for a company specialized in Communication solutions & Low current system:

Job Title: Telecommunication  Site Engineer

Gender: Male

Pre- Exp: from 1 to 2 yrs in same field

Languages: V. good English

Location: Nasr City

Qualification: flexible & excellent communication skills

Job Description:

Supervise & participate in outdoor  wireless installation.
Wireless site survey.

Salary: Negotiable.

Benefits: Fixed salary + Mobile Package

If you interest kindly send your up-dated resume with RECENT PHOTO to hr@elan-eg.com & please mention (Telecommunication Site Engineer) in mail subject, otherwise the CV will be automatically VOID


Company Information: 
Concept- Intellectual Property Consultants
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 
Job Gender: 
Years of experience: 
1 - 2 years
 Concept- Intellectual Property Consultants, are currently hiring for:

* Sales Representative .

Experience : 1- 5years. gender : Males . Location : Maadi

to apply now, send your CV to the following E-mail address and kindly mention in the E-mail subject the job opportunity that you're applying for.

we are looking for a talented interior designer for our company to carry out the interiors and talk with clients..

Needed skills:


3d max (v-ray






*portofolio is needed to be attached with the applicant's CV's

Company Information: 
Bella Casa Furniture
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 
Bella Casa furniture :

we are looking for a full- time graphic designer to carry out all the corporate identity designs for the whole company , designing and manager our facebook page

portofolio is needed to be attached with the applicant CV's

Company Information: 
Bella Casa Furniture
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 

Technical Duties

Assist-in developing and implementing plans for the advertising and marketing of company products to raise the company’s market profile and increase sales through suppliers' membership, exhibitions, and sponsorships.
Develop and implement promotional packages and campaigns including the use of advertising material, SMSs, website, blogs, and newsletters
Meets with appropriate sales or marketing representative to discuss communication needs.
Reviews literature in the assigned marketing project, previous marketing materials used in the assignment area, and gathers materials of competitive companies in the field
Researches, writes, develops sketches of supporting graphics, and consults with printing firm representatives on the needs of the particular project. Presents recommendations to marketing manager or committee.
Create and coordinate the production of marketing and/or promotional communications that may include print,  electronic, new/emerging media and other collateral that is in accordance with the unit’s approved strategic  marketing plan and objectives
Providing writing and editing support for client communication including promo materials SMSs, blogs, emails & news letters to ensure marketing effectiveness and adherence to brand guideline. 
Responsible for website content including overall positioning content and messaging.
Respond to internal and external requests for the development and provision of promotional activities.
Oversee the organization of promotional activities, ensuring that they are carried out efficiently and within agreed budgets, to raise the profile of the company and increase sales.
Review and edit the existing promotional material for marketing effectiveness and cross selling implication and adherence to brand guideline.   
Develop and maintain a stock of promotional material for issue to company staff and customers.
Develop ideas or plans for merchandise displays or window decorations.
Obtain plans from display designers or display managers and discuss their implementation with clients.
Consult with advertising or sales staff to determine type of merchandise to be featured and time and place for each display.
Plan commercial displays to entice and appeal to customers.
Prepare sketches, floor plans, or models of proposed displays.
Select themes, lighting, colors, or props to be used.
Use computers to produce signage.
Construct or assemble displays or display components from fabric, glass, paper, or plastic, using hand tools or woodworking power tools, according to specifications.
Cut out designs on cardboard, , or plywood, according to motif of event.
Collaborate with others to obtain products or other display items.
Install decorations, such as flags, banners, festive lights, or bunting on or in building, street, exhibit hall, or booth.
Arrange properties, furniture, merchandise, backdrops, or other accessories, as shown in prepared sketches.
Take photographs of displays or signage.
Store, pack, and maintain records of props and display items.
Place prices or descriptive signs on backdrops, fixtures, merchandise, or floor.
Change or rotate window displays, interior display areas, or signage to reflect changes in inventory or promotion.
Instruct sales staff in color coordination of counter displays.
Arrange visits and hospitality for customers, vendors, referrers and others to promote the image of the company and its products.
Responsible for events planning and management including the installation of booths, exhibits, displays, carpets, or drapes, as guided by floor plan of building or specifications.
Attend training sessions or corporate planning meetings to obtain new ideas for product launches.
Initiate new ideas and initiatives to support BLOOM and share it with R&D department.

Management of Financial Resources
Financial Analysis
People Management Skills
Decision Making
Planning, organization and detail orientation
Visionary and strategic thinking
Client oriented
Negotiating/Influencing Skills
Conflict resolution skills


Professional knowledge in Retail and sales principles, methods, and applications
Professional knowledge in marketing communication
Knowledge in related governmental laws and legislation

Degree in public relations, marketing, advertising, journalism or communications.
if you are interested send your resume to amina.nasser@premieregypt.com
An International organization hiring the following position:


The Executive Secretary is responsible for providing secretarial, clerical and administrative Support in order to ensure that services are provided in an effective and efficient manner.

Secretary reports to the First Nation Administrator and is responsible for providing senior level secretarial and clerical services for the Chief and First Nation Administrator.


Receive, direct and relay telephone messages and fax messages

Direct the general public to the appropriate staff member

Maintain the general filing system and file all correspondence

Assist in the planning and preparation of meetings, conferences and conference

Telephone calls

Make preparations for Band Council and committee meetings

Maintain an adequate

Inventory of office supplies

Respond to public inquiries

Provide word

Processing and secretarial support

Type confidential documents on a word processing system


Bachelor in any disciplining field

Very good English

Gender: Female

Age: 22: 28

Experience: 1 to 2 years

Very good of using word and excel


We are offering you a high package of salary + social and medical insurance

Work location: Sudan st. Mohandseen, Giza

Working hours: 8 hours per day

Vacation: 2 days per week

Kindly if you are interested send your updated C.V. to:


And mention in the subject (S-S 2)

Note: any mail will send without subject will be disregarded.

Best wishes for all of you.
Urgently required for ICON Company located in Wady Houf, Helwan is seeking for "Electrical Engineer" With the details below:

  Qualifications and Education Requirements:

Bachelor’s Degree of Electrical power Engineering.
Experience: From 1 up to 3 years.
Gender:  Males only.
Languages: Excellent Command of English
Excellent computer skills / Auto CAD; SAP User.
Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Strong analytically skills with attention to details.
Flexible and Adapt Easily to New Situations.
Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities:

Liaising with clients and contractors.
Identifying customer requirements.
Reading design specifications and technical drawings.
Researching suitable solutions and estimating costs and timescales.
Using three-dimensional design software for Design and distribution of Electrical Work for Projects.
Liaising with others in the design team.
If you are Interested Please send your Resume to hr@iconegypt.com Holding the "Electrical Engineer / JF" in the email subject as well as a recent photo.
Be a part of Silicon Egypt Technologies An Arrow Company and give wings to your ideas.

If you want to share the passion of making this planet smarter, to make an impact, to innovate for the better, then come join us.

Work towards execution of assigned project tasks (coding, testing reviews,
Planning, design etc.). At least 3 years or more of strong experience covering:
EJB 3,JSF ,JSP,GWT,Web Services and XML
Qualifications & Skills
At least 3 years of J2EE development experience.
Knowledge of databases such as Oracle .
Excellent communication skills .
Analyzing and designing the implementation of the requirements.

Send your C.V to cv.hr@siliconexpert.com

1) Cairo Residence is a must (Maadi &Helwan Residence is preferable)
2) good In English.
3) Good Communication Skills.
4) Experience in customer service is preferable.
5) Preferable not exceeding 28 Years old.
6) Graduates Only.
7) Males (preferable) 
8)2 days off per week,
9) Medical care & social insurance

Interested candidates meeting the above criteria can send the cv's to Sherien.mohamed@imi-intl.com

-Gender: Male/Fresh Graduates
-B.Sc of ArtS (English Department), Commerce, mass communication
-Self-motivated and self-confident 
-Fluency in English is a MUST

Company Information: 
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 
شركة معالجة مياة صرف صناعي تطلب مهندس مدني لمشروع في العين السخنة   

يشترط ان يكون مقيم في السويس

Company Information: 
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 
1.       At least one and a half years of experience in a similar job or post.

2.       Must be a graduate of either faculty of Engineering or Computer Science.

3.       Must be Microsoft certified in core technology software (e.g. Basic knowledge of Active directory, Virtualization Technology, DNS Configuration, DHCP Configuration, Win 2008 Server Installation, Terminal service experience ).

4.       Basic knowledge of network infrastructure.

5.       MS Exchange knowledge is a plus.

6- mantion system Aministrator in subject

Company Information: 
Job Number of Vacancies: 
Applying Email: 
Fabrica is looking for Office Admin "Female" with the following Responsibilities :-

- To handle calls, mails, office requests and coordinate incoming/outgoing mailings
- To liaise with external office management company for any office admin related matter
- Maintain hard copy files and electronic filing system
- Assist in preparing and maintaining finance (including bank accounts and petty cash) 
- Maintain safe working environment, ensure confidentiality of data
- Coordinate and maintain staff records and office equipment (. phones, parking, petty cash, company
credit cards etc.)
- Schedule and coordinate meetings, appointments and travel arrangements
- Monitor and maintain office supply inventories
- Support staff in assigned project based work where needed
- Handling regular office payments such as office rent, electricity, telephone bills and internet
- Providing HR administrative support to the GM.
- Perform any other reasonable duties as necessary to meet the needs of the Employer's business' (.
customer service, HR or game testing)

- BA degree (preferably business administration related degree)
- good command of English
- 1 year of administrative experience preferred
- Knowledge of administrative management practices and procedures will be an advantage
- Computer literate, good knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Excellent time management skills
- Good analytical and problem solving skills
- Professional ’can do’ attitude
- Good work ethics and excellent phone manners
- Using own initiative, being proactive
- Ability to multi-tasks
Send Your CV to: hr@fabrica.com.eg

for more information please call us on: +202 2507 3227 - 2507 3237 - +2 0109 6000 592

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