الأربعاء، 23 أبريل 2014

برنامج منحة أنسى ساويرس للعام الدراسى 2015-2016

برنامج منحة أنسى ساويرس للعام الدراسى 2015-2016
نفسك تعمل ماجيستير ادارة أعمال أو هندسة تشييد فى هارفارد أو ستانفورد أو MIT أو أحد الجامعات الكبرى فى أمريكا بس عندك مشكلة فى المصاريف؟ تقدر تحقق حلمك لو اتقبلت فى برنامج منحة أنسى ساويرس.
القبول فى المنحة بيتم على أساس شخصية المتقدم ومؤهلاته المثبتة فى سجله الأكاديمى وفى الأنشطة الغير أكاديمية اللى عملها وفى قدرته على الريادة.
المنحة بتغطى كافة التكاليف الدراسية و تكاليف السكن و السفر و التأمين الصحى.

Cairo: Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program for Graduates 2015-16
Do you dream of studying at Harvard, Stanford or MIT, or any other top university listed in the OCI application but do not have the funding? Your dream can become a reality with the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program…
Through the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program, Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) provides full tuition scholarships for Egyptian students seeking to pursue their master’s degrees at top U.S. universities in fields that contribute to the economic prosperity of Egypt. Successful candidates may pursue their studies in the following two fields only: Master’s of Business Administration and Master’s of Construction Management.
The Onsi Sawiris Scholarship will be awarded based on character and merit as demonstrated through academic excellence, extracurricular activities and entrepreneurial initiative. In addition to full tuition, the scholarship award will cover living, travel and health insurance expenses.

If you are interested in applying to the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program for the academic year 2015-2016, please submit the application with all required documents to AMIDEAST at the following address: 38 Mohie El Din Abo El Ezz, Dokki, Egypt.
The application deadline is June 15, 2014.
The online application is now available, click on "Apply NOW"!
Please note that you must apply to the scholarship program before applying to the top universities in the U.S. The list of endorsed universities is as follows: Harvard University (MA), Stanford University (CA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Princeton University (NJ), Yale University (CT), Dartmouth University (NH), Cornell University (NY), Carnegie Mellon University (PA), Northwestern University (IL), Duke University (NC), University of Chicago (IL), UCLA, University of California-Berkeley, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Texas-Austin, Columbia University.
If you are selected as a nominee, AMIDEAST will assist you in university placement process. In case you have already been accepted to a university and you are looking for funding, you will still need to submit an application for the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship program.
For inquiries about the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program (OSSP) 2015-2016, please contact us by email: ossp@amideast.org, or by phone: Ms. Norhan El Badry (+202) 3332 0478, Ms. Nancy Fanous (+ 202) 3332 0432 or (+202) 3332 0429.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants need to:
§ Fulfill the placement tests and documentation requirements of the scholarship program.
§ Be Egyptian nationals, who are residents of Egypt (preference will NOT be given to holders of dual nationality).
§ Plan on pursuing their master’s degree in one of the top five universities in the United States in the field of Business Administration or Construction Management.
§ Be prepared to depart for study in the United States in the academic year 2015
§ Commit to returning to Egypt for two years upon the completion of the master’s degree program.
§ Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or Very Good (overall grade).
§ Have been involved or are currently involved in extracurricular activities (applicants should be able to provide proof of participation in extracurricular activities when required).
§ Have a minimum of three years of work experience.
§ Have not obtained a master’s degree prior to applying to the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship.
Required Tests:
§ All applicants must take and submit their score for the Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-based Test (iBT recent score within 2 years).
§ Applicants interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Business Administration must take and submit the score of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT- recent score within 5 years).
§ Applicants interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Construction Management must take and submit the score of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE-recent score within 5 years).
Minimum scores required:
§ TOEFL iBT : 100 or above
§ GMAT: 650 or above
§ GRE: 1000 or above (in the Verbal & Quantitative sections) & 4.5/6 or above (in the Analytical section of the exam). Or a GRE score of 302 or above on the new GRE test.

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