الاثنين، 2 يونيو 2014

إختبارات اللغه اللى قبل الإنترفيو فى بعض الشركات والاجابة

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
  1. How often do you play tennis?
    a. On Tuesday.
    b. For two hours.
    c. Almost every day.
    d. With John.

  2. Where do you usually eat lunch?
    a. Sandwich.
    b. With Jane.
    c. At 12:00.
    d. In the cafeteria.

  3. How long did you study last night?
    a. With Bob.
    b. In my room.
    c. English.
    d. For three hours.

  4. What kind of novels do you like?
    a. Yes, I do.
    b. I like spy novels.

  5. What kind of work do you do?
    a. I work every day.
    b. I'm a piano teacher.
    c. I worked for two hours.

  6. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
    a. About two hours.
    b. In my living room.
    c. I watch the news.
    d. On Tuesday.

  7. What is your busiest day of the week?
    a. In the morning.
    b. Every day.
    c. Tuesday.
    d. Last week.

  8. My mother is a good cook.
    a. I agree with you.
    b. I agree you.
    c. I agree to you.
    d. I agree for you.

  9. What does "TV" mean?
    a. For one hour.
    b. Yes
    c. Television.
    d. For one hour.
    e. On Friday.

  10. How do you spell "dog"?
    a. No
    b. D-O-G
    c. No
    d. I don't
    e. Cat.
    f. I have one dog.

  11. What did you do yesterday?
    a. I am swimming.
    b. I swim.
    c. I will swim.
    d. I swam.

  12. What do you like to drink?
    a. Coffee.
    b. Saturday evening.
    c. Two.
    d. With my friends.

  13. What did you eat last night?
    a. At six.
    b. Spaghetti.
    c. With my family.
    d. At home.

  14. What are you doing?
    a. I'm eating.
    b. I ate.
    c. I will be eating.
    d. I have eaten.

  15. What will you do this afternoon?
    a. I play soccer.
    b. I played soccer.
    c. I'll play soccer.
    d. I was playing soccer.

  16. It seems to me that most restaurants are too expensive?
    a. I don't think it.
    b. I don't think.
    c. I don't think so.

  17. Where's Mike?
    a. At school.
    b. At eight.
    c. For three hours.
    d. No, he isn't.

  18. Where do you do your homework?
    a. With John.
    b. In the evening.
    c. About one hour.
    d. Every day.
    e. At home.

  19. When did you go to that restaurant?
    a. Speghetti.
    b. With Jane.
    c. Last night.
    d. About 30 minutes.

  20. When was the last time you took a picture?
    a. A picture of Jane.
    b. Seven pictures.
    c. About four days ago.
    d. With my camera.

  21. What were you doing last night at 7:00?
    a. I sleep.
    b. I slept.
    c. I will be sleeping.
    d. I was sleeping.

  22. When will you mail that letter?
    a. Last night.
    b. To Jane.
    c. After school.

  23. What are you going to do after dinner?
    a. I took a bath
    b. I'll take a bath.
    c. I take a bath.

  24. How long have you been playing the trumpet?
    a. About 50 cm.
    b. For four years.
    c. In my room.
    d. By myself.

  25. How many hours a day do you sleep?
    a. I have slept 7 hours.
    b. I am sleeping 7 hours.
    c. I slept 7 hours.
    d. I sleep 7 hours.

  26. How often do you write letters?
    a. Two pages.
    b. Two times a week.
    c. Two people.
    d. Two hours.

  27. Where can I buy beer?
    a. When you are twenty years old.
    b. About two bottles.
    c. With Jane.
    d. At a liquor store.

  28. What's your favorite sport?
    a. Swim.
    b. Swimming.

  29. When was the last time you went shopping?
    a. Yesterday.
    b. Tomorrow.
    c. Near the Station.

  30. How often do you speak on the telephone?
    a. At least once a day.
    b. In the evening?
    c. For about 30 minutes.

  31. How many times have you gone camping?
    a. Three people.
    b. Three days.
    c. Three times.

  32. When's your birthday?
    a. November two.
    b. November twice.
    c. November second.

  33. Where are you from?
    a. New York.
    b. 1982.
    c. At school.

  34. How do you get to school?
    a. With train.
    b. In train.
    c. By train.

  35. When do you write to your friends?
    a. I don't know.
    b. I write to my friends at home.
    c. I do it whenever I have time.

  36. How old are you?
    a. I'd rather not say.
    b. I'd rather not tell my husband.
    c. I'd rather not show you.

  37. How about going to the theater tonight?
    a. I'm sorry to hear that.
    b. Sorry I have a business meeting tonight.
    c. Sure. Maybe some other time.

  38. Can I see your ticket, please?
    a. I'm afraid I can't find it.
    b. No, it's mine.
    c. Yes, my brother bought it.

  39. What is your city like?
    a. I like it a lot.
    b. It's small, but nice.
    c. I have no idea.

  40. Excuse me, can you tell me where the museum is?
    a. Why do I have to tell you?
    b. You have to know the ropes.
    c. It's at the end of this street.

  41. Can I pay by check? I don't have any cash on me.
    a. Sorry, we only take hard cash.
    b. Sorry, the checks were stolen.
    c. Sorry, that's not fair.

  42. How would you like your steak?
    a. Rare, please.
    b. A slice, please.
    c. No, thanks.

  43. What are you going to do on your summer vacation?
    a. I might work hard.
    b. Let's travel.
    c. I haven't thought about it.

  44. Have you studied English before?
    a. Yes, but I need practice in speaking.
    b. Yes, when I was born.
    c. Yes, I'm interested in your English course.

  45. What time do you get up in the morning?
    a. At seven o'clock.
    b. At seventeen.
    c. At midnight.

  46. How long does it take you to get to class?
    a. It takes five days.
    b. It takes fifteen minutes.
    c. I take the bus.

  47. Did she leave a message?
    a. No, she said she'd call later.
    b. No, she left the room.
    c.Yes, she'll leave one.

  48. May I borrow your car next Thursday? My friend is coming to visit me and I'd like to show her around.
    a. Sure, I'll let you know.
    b. Sure. Any time.
    c. Sure. Maybe some other time.

  49. Do you still feel homesick?
    a. Well, I feel dizzy.
    b. Yes, I have problems back home.
    c. Well, I'm getting over it a little.

  50. Where can you have your hair cut?
    a. At a hairdresser's.
    b. At a beautiful spot.
    c. At a grocer's.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
  1. Are you planning to buy an apartment?
    a. No, I just want a big one.
    b. No, I just want to rent one.
    c. Yes, I've already bought one.

  2. Don't you have the right change?
    a. No, I only have two nickels.
    b. No, I don't want to look strange.
    c. No, let's change it here.

  3. How much do you weigh?
    a. I don't want to wait.
    b. That girl is twice my weight.
    c. I weigh a hundred pounds.

  4. Why is Bill so angry?
    a. No wonder. The teacher gave him a good grade.
    b. No wonder. The teacher made him study the verbs.
    c. No wonder. The teacher excused him for being late.

  5. Are you busy?
    Yes, ___.

  6. Do you live in New York?
    No, ___.

  7. Can Sylvia ride a bike?
    Yes, ___.

  8. Does your father read the newspaper every day?
    Yes, ___.

  9. Do you and your friends play soccer on Saturday?
    No, ___.

  10. Is your sister a doctor?
    No, ___.

  11. Can Jack and Brian play the piano?
    Yes, ___.

  12. Is Paris big?
    Yes, ___.

  13. Are you thirsty?
    No, ___.

  14. Does Robert like pepperoni pizza?
    No, ___.

  15. Are the students listening to music?
    No, ___.

  16. Is the supermarket next to the post office?
    No, ___.

  17. Is Leonardo di Caprio Vietnamese?
    No, ___.

  18. Is your mother sleeping?
    No, ___.

  19. Can you speak Portuguese?
    Yes, ___.

  20. This coat was designed by ___ famous New York artist.

  21. Can you tell me how to get to ___ bank from here?

  22. ___ city museum is closed today.

  23. He is one of ___ smartest people I know.

  24. I recommend you eat ___ apple pie at this restaurant.

  25. ___ milk is good for you.

  26. Would you like to see ___ movie?

  27. ___ apple a day keeps ___ doctor away.

  28. I can't believe I failed ___ yesterday's test!

  29. Do you have ___ dictionary that I can borrow?

  30. Do you think this is something ___ can be learned?
    a. who
    b. that
    c. X (the conjunction can be omitted)

  31. Don't go out ___ you've finished your work.
    a. as
    b. while
    c. until

  32. Make sure you close all the windows ___ it starts to rain.
    a. after
    b. before
    c. for

  33. I think I know ___ he left the job.
    a. why
    b. until
    c. where

  34. ___ I had known how much I would disappoint him, I woudn't have done it.
    a. Whether
    b. When
    c. If

  35. ___ you see me, get in the car.
    a. As soon as
    b. While
    c. Whether

  36. My friend John, ___ lives in California, has a car with a New York license.
    a. whose
    b. who
    c. that

  37. It's usually quite simple to cross the border between the USA and Canada ___ these two countries have friendly relations.
    a. yet
    b. and
    c. because

  38. ___ a university professor returns from a sabbatical leave, he should be better qualified.
    a. Until
    b. When
    c. Even though

  39. She's ___ a snobbish person ___ nobody likes to be with her.
    a. such...that
    b. such...as
    c. so...that

  40. They got married. They had to learn to manage their own home. (after)

  41. He went crazy. His wife burnt his breakfast. (when)

  42. You can hear what I'm saying. You keep quiet. (if)

  43. I won't invite my classmates to a party. I know them well. (until)

  44. He arrived home. I had already cleaned the house. (by the time)

  45. The first quiz was easy. This one is extremelly difficult. (whereas)

  46. She's snobbish. People like her. (yet)

  47. We're broke. We can't buy anything. (since)

  48. He failed. He won't give up his ideals. (even though)

  49. He fell asleep. He was watching the film. (while)

  50. Karen is rich; ___, her cousin Kate is poor.
    a. therefore
    b. however
    c. otherwise

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